Pakistani fashion designer Monica Paracha introduced her own fashion label Monica Haute-Couture in 2003. Since then she is endeavoring to create ultra trendy pieces for women belonging to any culture on earth. Monica Paracha has her own contemporary clothing, red carpet gowns, genuine leather bags and crystallized and casual ladies shoes for women with couture, evening bags and shoes being her specialty.
Monica Paracha Pakistani fashion designer studied at Garrison College/ Kinnaird College and holds diploma in fashion merchandising and designing. She has also worked voluntarily in remote areas teaching at Paper grammar school and teaching embroidery patterns in remote areas also. Though Monica Paracha worked as designer and mentoring at Riya Communications in past but is currently looking her own brand at Monica Haute-Couture as its CEO and owner/manufacturer.
Monica Paracha collaborated with Fashion-Enter in summer 2007 and has recently presented her collection in Washington DC. She was also the only Pakistani designer in International Asian business awards held in Birmingham in 2008. Being a proficient Pakistani fashion designer she got chance to show her vivacious collection at Asian bridal show Manchester in 2009 and also participated in fashion show at Alexandra palace held in London in 2008.
Her successive collections Monica Paracha Fall Winter Collection 09/10, Monica Couture collection for Spring / Summer 2010 at the London Fashion Week, Monica's at India International Fashion Week and Monica Paracha Paris Collection 2011 are extremely versatile in accordance to modish women and their fashion statements. Use of traditional hand embroidery techniques with modern cuts and lavish colors in these collections have made them exclusive. She works mostly with imported fabrics and raw materials like crystals and Swarovski that are in self very special endowing Monica Paracha a leading fashion designer place in fashion world.
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