Omar Mansoor is a very common name in fashion industry of PAKISTAN who utilise their skills and expertise to boost and uplift the fashion industry of PAKISTAN. With the help of very exclusive tailoring techniques and designs, fashion designer Omar Masood owes the hearts of many socialites and fashionists. At London Fashion Week, Omar Mansoor has shown his fascinating “After The Dance”, and was very much inspired by British Theater. His latest collection named Omar Mansoor spring/summer collection 2011, which was shown at London Fashion Week was quite coquette and was also romantic.

At Karachi fashion week 2010, the fashion designer Omar Mansoor’s collection also aim the features to endow captivating persona and also class to a women. When he was a teenager, he was having a mind of fashion profession that’s why he moved to study fashion design at London College of Fashion. Basically the fashion designer Omar Mansoor is UK based Pakistani fashion designer. In many national and international fashion weeks like London Fashion WeekWimbledon Fashion WeekTop Model UK and Bahrain Fashion Week other than many style and fashion events, he presented his collections.


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